Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy

Awareness Healing
2 min readJul 11, 2023


Past life regression therapy is a technique that aims to access and explore one’s past lives through hypnosis or deep relaxation. While the effectiveness and scientific basis of past life regression therapy are still debated, proponents of this therapy claim several potential benefits. It’s important to note that these benefits are based on anecdotal evidence and individual experiences, rather than scientific consensus.

Here are some of the purported benefits of past life regression therapy:

  1. Personal insight and self-discovery: Past life regression therapy is often seen as a tool for self-exploration and gaining a deeper understanding of oneself. By accessing past lives, individuals may uncover unresolved issues, patterns, or traumas that are influencing their current life experiences. This insight can lead to personal growth and self-awareness.
  2. Healing unresolved traumas: Proponents believe that past life regression therapy can help individuals uncover and heal traumas from past lives that may be affecting their current well-being. By revisiting these experiences, it is believed that individuals can gain a new perspective, release emotional blocks, and find closure.
  3. Overcoming phobias and fears: Some proponents claim that past life regression therapy can help individuals identify the root causes of phobias, fears, or unexplained aversions that have no apparent basis in their current life. By exploring past lives, it is suggested that these fears can be understood and potentially resolved.
  4. Relationship and karmic understanding: Past life regression therapy may be used to explore past-life connections with people in one’s current life, such as family members, friends, or romantic partners. It is believed that by understanding the karmic dynamics and unresolved issues from past lives, individuals can gain insight into their current relationships and work towards resolving conflicts or fostering deeper connections.
  5. Spiritual growth and exploration: For those with a spiritual inclination, past life regression therapy can be seen as a means of exploring one’s spiritual journey and understanding the soul’s evolution over multiple lifetimes. It can provide a sense of purpose and a broader perspective on life’s challenges and lessons.

It’s important to approach past life regression therapy with an open mind and understand that the experiences and interpretations may vary widely. It’s also advisable to seek out qualified and experienced practitioners if you decide to explore this therapy.



Awareness Healing

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