Life Between Lives Regression Hypnotherapy in Central Coast and Sydney

Awareness Healing
3 min readSep 12, 2023


Life Between Lives Regression Hypnotherapy in Central Coast and Sydney is a process of being guided beyond the birth of your current life and journey into the afterlife, connecting to your immortal soul essence. The afterlife is the place where we all go when our soul leaves our physical body, and where our souls dwell between physical lifetimes. We are instantly connected to our higher self, over-soul, and soul groups beyond the physical dimension.

People from all cultures, races, and religions can experience this profound connection with their superconscious mind through ‘Between Lives Spiritual Regression’. This experience is beyond the conscious everyday mind. In ancient traditions, aboriginal shamans speak of this world as the ‘Dreamtime’. This dimension is beyond our five senses and yet is reached through deep relaxation and trance.
Hypnotherapy is used to tap into what spiritual healers describe as the higher consciousness or the universal mind. In this higher consciousness, we may feel a sense of oneness and connectedness with all that is. If we have a sincere intention for spiritual growth, these energies will assist in our growth and evolution.

What happens in a Life Between Lives Regression?

In this spirit realm, people can communicate with their spiritual guides, ancestors, deceased loved ones, galactic families, soul mates, soul groups, and spiritual elders, which exist in a perpetual timeless space where we visit between our earthly incarnations on earth. Through this exploration, we can explore life’s purpose and better understanding our soul contracts with people within our relationship circles.We can work through our relationships, find meaning and purpose through our associations with other souls, and enable us to learn many deep soul-changing lessons. Through ‘Between Lives Spiritual Regression’ in Sydney, we can understand our life selection process, allowing us to know why we’re here and what we set out to do before incarnating in this life.Life Between Lives Regression Hypnotherapy in Central Coast and Sydney will help you make sense of your life.

The root causes of issues

Life Between Lives Regression Hypnotherapy in Central Coast and Sydney can reveal the root causes of all mental and physical issues. Accessing the superconscious mind, the conscious mental state is bypassed. The superconscious mind is also referred to as the Higher Self. And will always reveal information that is useful for the person at the time. Our superconscious mind understands all aspects of the person’s behaviors, beliefs, and desires; past, present, and future.Within the right hemisphere of our brain, this higher self interfaces with this part of our brain. The trick is to develop creative aspects of our brain so we can decode what the higher self is wanting to show us. When experiencing hypnosis, ordinary time is experienced differently, appearing like it’s bending. Linear time in our physical realm does not exist in the spiritual realities.

What will I experience in a Between Lives Spiritual Regression?

Relaxation and deepening Induction:

In a ‘Life Between Lives Regression Hypnotherapy in Central Coast and Sydney session’, you will first be induced into a relaxed state where the conscious faculty of the mind is bypassed. Deepening techniques are then used to deepen the relaxed state, accessing the subconscious mind. This is the part of the mind psychologist refers to as the child-like mind. This is where you will visit childhood memories or a peaceful place.

Childhood memories leading into your mother’s womb:

I will speak to your subconscious mind and ask it to describe what it’s experiencing. This process is like a warm-up so the practitioner can determine what sub-modalities (senses) the client is using. We then move back through the timeline of your current life, and finally land into your mother’s womb at conception, usually halfway through the pregnancy.

This is where we can access anything we have picked up from our mother and the environment. We will discover worries and concerns the soul may have about being born into the world in your current life. There can be great healing in the womb. The client then moves beyond the womb into the superconscious mind for past life exploration.



Awareness Healing

Awareness Healing is a perfect place to start your healing journey. Our Hypnotherapists in Sydney. Counselling and Reiki Therapy.